Oklahoma City Bears, Setting the Standard in Semi-Pro Football

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The OKC Bears are redefining what being a semi-professional football team means.

The dynamic OKC team plays in the Central Midwest Football League and calls Putnam City North its home field.

Recently, I had the chance to sit down with Kevin Cox, head coach of the OKC Bears, to discuss what makes this team special and what’s likely in store for the future. “We’re a professional developmental team, and many of our players come from Division I college programs,” Cox told me. “They’re here to continue their careers, develop their skills, and hopefully move on to greater opportunities.”

The team’s tagline, The Gold Standard,” conveys high expectations. The team isn’t just about football, either. It’s also about community, family, and personal growth. “We emphasize being part of the community,” said Cox. “Our players are involved in local events and initiatives. We believe in holding each other accountable and being role models on and off the field.”

Photo courtesy Drew Nichols, Facebook

The community-first approach is a key aspect of the Bears’ identity. The team and players are dedicated to fostering a sense of belonging and responsibility and work hard to maintain visibility as upstanding citizens. Their commitment to character is as important as is on-field performance.

Cox’s passion for coaching and leading men is also evident, and his years of experience and dedication have created a team culture that values integrity and excellence. Results have followed with two bowl championships.

“It’s not just about winning games,” Cox noted. “It’s about changing lives and providing opportunities for these young men to grow and succeed.”

As the season progresses, the Bears have their sights set on the playoffs. With a blend of seasoned talent and a supportive, community-focused ethos, the future looks bright for the OKC Bears.

Coach Cox and his team are not just playing football but setting a standard for what semi-pro sports can achieve, and they are doing it one game at a time.

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