Super Bowl Betting Odds Explained

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The Super Bowl is the year’s most important sporting event. With Super Bowl LVI coming up on February 13, everyone from novice sports bettors to seasoned sharps are seeking the best ways to wager on the season’s final NFL game. Here’s our handy brief on how to bet successfully.

In gambling, there’s a saying that goes something like “The house always wins.” That isn’t the case in the Super Bowl, though, and that’s fortunately for bettors. Betting on the best game of the year can be lucrative. Here’s what you need to know.

According to the online bookmaker, the 2022 Super Bowl odds show how likely or unlikely a particular scenario will be, represented by a number, with a plus or a minus sign preceding it. According to the odds, the greater the – number, the more likely the desired outcome will occur. According to the sportsbook’s calculations, the greater the positive number, the less likely the event will occur. If that figure is preceded by a negative symbol (-), you will know how much money you must wager to achieve a $100 profit if that figure is preceded by a negative symbol (-).

Example: If one of the teams in the Super Bowl 2022 is favored by 175 points to win, you would have to wager $175 on them to receive a return of $275 (your stake plus $100 in winnings). For every $100 you wager, the odds are represented with a positive (+) sign, indicating that you will profit. If one of the teams in the Super Bowl 2022 has a +150 chance of winning, a $100 bet on them would result in a $150 profit plus the return of your $100 wagering money. In both cases, you will receive a portion of your winnings in addition to the amount you initially bet as a return for your initial bet.

Many markets are available when putting Super Bowl bets online, but they all represent and how they work are not immediately apparent. We’ve composed a list of some of the most popular ones, along with a brief description of each case.

The Moneyline for the Super Bowl. Moneyline bets are the most specific types of wagers you can place. A money line wager is when the bettor is betting on the match’s overall winner. An illustration of this would be the money line market, which would look like this:

Team           Moneyline

Team A          -167

Team B          +140

If you place a money line wager, you have only two options to choose from, making it one of the most uncomplicated types of wagers you can place.

Super Bowl totals or the over/under for the game. Total bets are when you place a wager on whether the total number of points scored in a game will be less than or greater than a line set by the sportsbook. For example, if you were betting on the Super Bowl to have over 55.5 total points, you would need both teams’ aggregate scores to be larger than 55, with the market looking something like the following:

Full game totals   Odds

Over 55.5 points     -115

Under 55.5 points   -105

Individual teams can also bet on their totals available in total markets. In this situation, all that is required is for a specific team’s total points scored to be either over or under the bookmaker’s stated line, with the market looking something like the following.

Team         Over 27.5 points odds

Team A                -163

Team B                +105

The Super Bowl Spread: The Super Bowl spread is a variety of wagers made by sportsbooks to even the odds between the favorite and the underdog in the championship game. The favorite is given a specific number of points handicap in practice, while the underdog is granted the same number of points head start as the favorite. A bet on the favorite must win by more points than their handicap for the wager to be victorious. The underdog must fail by fewer points than the ‘head start’ granted to them by the spread to win the wager. The wager wins regardless of whether they win or tie the game due to this ‘head start.’ Here’s an example.

Team                    Spread

Team A          -3.5 @ -105

Team B          +3.5 @ -115

To win your bet on team A to cover the spread, they must win by a margin of at least four points over their opponents. If you place a bet on team B ‘against the spread,’ your wager will be successful if they do not fail by more than four points. There’s also the option of placing a wager on the Super Bowl point spreads for certain quarters and halves. A second-half spread bet in favor of Team B, for example, would be a reasonable wager if team A had averaged 1.4 fewer second-half points than team B throughout the season.

Conclusion. It will eventually come down to what you are most familiar with, as well as what ideally suits your betting style and preferences. For example, you might decide to develop your football betting strategy after some time has elapsed. It is possible to increase the excitement about a football game–a big game like the Super Bowl, especially–by placing a wager on it. But please keep this in mind: always gamble responsibly.

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