999 Racing: “Death Race For Love” (An original script, Scene Eleven)

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Scene Eleven opens with Jarad, Dark Wrld, Nocturnal Wrld, and Ally walking on the run from Death and his gang of bounty hunters. Dark Wrld starts reflecting on himself and goes over to Jarad.

Dark Wrld: Hey Jarad?

Jarad: What?!

Dark Wrld: I’m sorry. For all of this. You’re right. If I hadn’t knocked you out at the bar, we wouldn’t be in this mess.

Jarad: Yeah. I’m sorry too. You’re right. I gotta work on my ego more. I spent all my life thinking that, just because I won races, I was basically a Messiah. But my daughter is going to teach me that life is so much more than that.

Dark Wrld: My advice to you is you cherish that little girl with all your heart. Teach her the good of the world.

Jarad: OK.

Dark Wrld: Friends?

Jarad: Friends.

{Dark Wrld and Jarad shake hands. A demon walks up to them.}

Demon Two: Hey! You Jarad Higgins?!

Jarad: Yeah.

Demon Two: I have someone waiting for you in The Octagon. Bring your friends.

Jarad: OK?

{Jarad, Dark Wrld, Ally, and Nocturnal Wrld head over to The Octagon as Flaws and Sins by Juice Wrld plays in the background.

They sit down on the stadium seats as a waitress comes to them.}

Waitress: What can I get you?

Dark Wrld: What do you have?

Waitress: We have blood, Diet blood, Monster Energy drinks, Rockstars, fries…..

Jarad: I’ll take some fries and get everyone a diet. Blood, please.

Ally: Jarad! How can you eat when we’re being hunted?!

Jarad: One: I haven’t eaten any dinner yet, and two: We’re probably gonna be here a while.

Nocturnal Wrld: I don’t know. This looks pretty suspicious to me.

{Jason Firestone is sitting next to them.}

Firestone: Psst….. He’s right. This is a trap.

Jarad: Jason Firestone?! I’m a huge fan!

Firestone: Appreciate it. But you are in grave danger. Come with me.

Death: What gives?! You said you had them! So you drag me over here to see my least favorite sport, baseball, claiming you had them, and now I don’t see them?! Where are they?! Spill the beans!

Demon Two: What?! They were just here!

Death:{Angry.} Listen to me: What part of finding Jarad and Company, dead or alive, and bring them to The Octagon, then get me, and if I find out that you didn’t come to get me, or you missed them, I will kill you didn’t you get?

Demon Two: That’s actually a very complicated sentence.

Death: It’s fine. Here. Come hug me. I’m not gonna do anything twisted to you once I get a hold of you. {Demon Two comes to hug death. But right then, Death smashes Demon Two’s head, killing him instantly.} Listen up! {He holds Demon Two’s body.} This is gonna happen to all of you unless you find those racers! Go!

{What will Jason Firestone do to keep them safe? Stay tuned for Scene Twelve. To be continued….}

About Kadin McElwain

I was born in Kingston, New York, the second child of Monika Keiper and Matthew McElwain. At age two, I was diagnosed with autism, and I’m currently undergoing therapy to help me have a good life. I have multiple interests, including music and writing. I started writing seriously at the age of 13 by writing poems on Allpoetry.com, earning a nomination for Best Teen Poet. In high school, I went on to write scripts, articles, and stories. Now in college, my ultimate goal is to make the world a better place.

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