‘Football Potential,’ An Original Screenplay (Scene Three)


Will Geykume pay the price for indiscretion? We begin Scene Three with Geykume running from the cops.

{Geykume is doing 85 MPH, swerving from lane-to-lane.

{With fire in his eyes and a million thoughts going through his mind,

Geykume thinks about how this incident will affect his reputation and football career. How could he have been so blind!?}

{Boris calls. Geykume answers without thinking twice.}

Boris: {Frantic} “Geykume! What’s going on?!”

Geykume: {Nervous} “Let’s talk later! I’m kinda’ on the run!”

Boris: “Why?”

Geykume: {Sarcastic} “For starters, felony possession of cocaine, evading police, DUI (Thanks to the drugs you gave me). Shall I continue?”

Boris: “No. No. You made your point!”

Geykume: {Mad} Yeah! So nice going, friend! Thanks for this! Bye!

{Geykume hangs up.

He turns on Over Now by Post Malone and continues speeding away from the cops.

By now, there are 12 police cars and a police helicopter chasing him.

Geykume, not sure what to do, pulls out an AK-47 from his driver’s seat.

Loads it. Rolls down the window and shoots at the police.

Then, his tires pop.

The police catch Geykume and slam him to the ground and handcuff him.}

Cop: “Boy! You are in a whole mess of trouble!”

{A time card pops up reading ‘a few hours later.’

Geykume has just finished taking his mugshot and is on a cell.

Andrew, Boris, John, Coach Geoffrey, & Geykume’s parents, Don and Jane, are visiting him.

They are not pleased!}


(father) Don: “What were you thinking, son?!”

John: “Yeah! What he said! The Sports Fast Life is notorious.”

Geoffrey: “Geykume, you’re lucky that I’m involved. Somebody else would have booted you off the team.”

Geykume: {Breaks down crying.} “I’m sorry, guys. But look on the bright side. At least my Achilles tendon will heal, and I’ll be able to play in state’s.”

Geoffrey: “Yeah! If you don’t get five years to life first! Your bond has been set at $1500.”
{Coach Geoffrey leaves.}

John: “I should go, too. Later, Geykume.”

{the Coach and John leave.}

Geykume: “Dad, can you pay my bail?”

(father) Don: “I’m sorry, son. You’ll have to ask your mother.
{Don leaves.}

Geykume: {Begging.} “Mom! Please! I know I’m not perfect, but I deserve another chance!”

(mother) Jane: {Not having it.} Don’t ‘Mom’ me! How could you be so stupid?!

{Jane leaves.}

Andrew: “I’ll get you out. Don’t you worry!”

{Andrew leaves.}

Boris: “I banged your girl, bro. Now she’s gonna’ have my kid. I’m such a player!.”

{Boris leaves with a chuckle.

{Two weeks go by. Geykume’s Achilles has healed.

The cop opens the cell.}

Cop: “Okay, Mr. Effect. You’re free. The charges have been dropped.”

Geykume: “What? Why?”

Cop: We’ve seen you on the news, and some of us have been to your games. Geykume, you have a lot of potential in football. You’re a smart kid, too. We don’t want you to end up like Aaron Hernandez or Andre Waters or one of those other players. So go play in state’s!”

{Geykume walks out of jail.

He enters the high school as Make It Right by BTS and Lauv starts playing.

We see a montage of him getting ready for the state football tournament.

Coach Geoffrey smiles.}

Geoffrey: “I think you’re ready!”

{End of scene.} To be continued….

About Kadin McElwain

I was born in Kingston, New York, the second child of Monika Keiper and Matthew McElwain. At age two, I was diagnosed with autism, and I’m currently undergoing therapy to help me have a good life. I have multiple interests, including music and writing. I started writing seriously at the age of 13 by writing poems on Allpoetry.com, earning a nomination for Best Teen Poet. In high school, I went on to write scripts, articles, and stories. Now in college, my ultimate goal is to make the world a better place.

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