Peppa Pig and Sports


Several episodes of Peppa Pig relate to sports. But the show is still very annoying.

Oh, Peppa Pig! This show is an epidemic on America’s youth because it teaches lessons in tantrums, bossiness, crying, and (yes) even endless snorting. This show makes Caillou seem like Bob Ross. In other words, Peppa Pig is not a good show unless you want bossy kids.

Still, several episodes of Peppa Pig relate to sports. Here are five.

5. The Sleepover: Peppa and her girlfriends act like brats for the entire episode. They start the sleepover off by turning off the racing match Daddy Zebra was watching. Then they shun three-year-olds and make them cry. Afterward, they give us a piano performance that’s the equivalent of a dying bird. They raid the fridge, cause a ruckus, and keep waking up their mailman father.

4. The Picnic: This is yet another episode where Peppa, her family, and friends act like jerks. This time the target is Daddy Pig. In this episode, Peppa and her family go on a picnic. Sounds like a good time, right? But we see Peppa and her family fat-shame Daddy Pig the whole episode. They even laugh as poor Daddy Pig is chased by wasps and bees. Shame on them!

3. The Quarrel: In this episode, we see Suzy, Sheep, and Peppa have a quarrel after Suzy is accused of cheating at cards.

2. Spring: This episode is about an egg-hunting competition, a traditional Easter sport. For the first three minutes, the kids go on an egg hunt. The narrator points out when each kid found an egg. Then, the kids pretend to be chicks.

1. Mr. Spinnylegs: This episode is about Peppa and George finding a poisonous spider in the house.

As we can see, several episodes of Peppa Pig relate to sports. But the show is still very annoying.

About Kadin McElwain

I was born in Kingston, New York, the second child of Monika Keiper and Matthew McElwain. At age two, I was diagnosed with autism, and I’m currently undergoing therapy to help me have a good life. I have multiple interests, including music and writing. I started writing seriously at the age of 13 by writing poems on, earning a nomination for Best Teen Poet. In high school, I went on to write scripts, articles, and stories. Now in college, my ultimate goal is to make the world a better place.

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