Shunning the Critics

Courtesy: Sports Illustrated/CNN

Courtesy: Sports Illustrated/CNN

*FAN SUBMISSION by Charles Kruzits. Follow him on Twitter @kruzindirty.”

During his 12 year stint in the NBA journeymen center Jason Collins was the epitome of a bench player. Providing depth, Collins wasn’t an all-star, nor was he the subject of fans appreciation or ire.

That has certainly just changed.

The Stanford graduate, and twin brother of Jarron Collins (Played 10 seasons in NBA), took a monumental step for gay rights when he announced to the public that he is homosexual. Currently a free agent, Collins felt that it was time to reveal to the public what no man in the four major sports has ever announced, while still actively competing.  While many thought the biggest burden of a pro athlete was vying for playing time, Collins was battling an inner demon.  Fearing the unknown, Collins lived a lie.

Throughout the years Collins tried to imitate a straight-man’s life, even getting engaged at one point. “I thought I had to live a certain way,” Collins told Sports Illustrated the Magazine. “I thought I needed to marry a woman and raise kids with her.” However; the hiding, masquerading part of Collins’ life is in the past and he will strip away the labels of jock and ballplayer. He puts it bluntly via, “I’m a 34-year-old NBA center. I’m black. And I’m gay.”

The turning point in Collins life was a conversation he had with former classmate Joe Kennedy, now a Massachusetts congressman. Kennedy shared with Collins that he walked in the 2012 Gay Pride Parade. Roommates while at Stanford, Kennedy helped his friend overcome an obstacle that was never approached in the NBA. Whether or not it was his intention, Collins will be looked at as a beacon of hope for athletes, and furthermore, individuals struggling to open up and come out.

“It’s mind-boggling,” Collins described it while doing a sit-down interview with George Stephanopoulos of ABC News. “You’re sort of waiting around for somebody else to…raise their hand. I’m ready to raise my hand but, you know, you still look around like, ‘OK, come on, guys.’ It’s time for someone else in the room to raise their hand and say, ‘You know what? Yeah, so big deal. I can still play basketball. I can still help the team win, and that’s what’s most important.’”

Collins will be approaching uncharted waters when next season arrives and he enters the unfriendly confines of an opposing arena.  Standing 6’11 while weighing 250 pounds, the mammoth Collins will serve as one of the biggest guinea pigs known to man. As rowdy and obnoxious fans can be, this will be the first time a rowdy fan section will be jeering with an openly gay man. Whether or not those fans will cross the line has yet to be seen. Despite the unknown, it’s the rallying support from those in the basketball inner-circles and other influential figures that have made this event heart-warming.

Courtesy: USA Today

Courtesy: USA Today

David Stern, the NBA commissioner, said he was proud of Collins for, “assuming the leadership mantle on this very important issue.” While Kobe Bryant, a peer and one of the best to ever play the game said via twitter, “Proud of @jasoncollins34. Don’t suffocate who u r because of the ignorance of others.”

While hash-tagging Courage, Support and BYOU. The most impressive stamp of approval came from the father of a college friend of Collins. Chelsea Clinton, the daughter of former President Bill Clinton, attended Stanford along with Collins when their friendship commenced. When asked of Collins’ announcement Mr. Clinton stated, “An important moment for professional sports and in the history of the LGBT community.” (

He added, “It is also the straightforward statement of a good man who wants no more than what so many of us seek: to be able to be who we are; to do our work; to build families and to contribute to our communities,” Clinton wrote in a statement. “For so many members of the LGBT community, these simple goals remain elusive. I hope that everyone, particularly Jason’s colleagues in the NBA, the media and his many fans extend to him their support and the respect he has earned.”  (

The decision to open up and reveal his sexuality might cause people to dislike him, may even cause some NBA franchises to not consider him for a spot on their team, and, quite possibly, may cause Collins to be the subject of fan’s ridicule. But, it’s the path that Collins has cleared for those who are just like him that has made this announcement one of the most single-important events in sports history. Similar to Jackie Robinson, Billie Jean King, and Don Haskins, Collins knew this decision was going to cause implications. But, it’s the reward, those children and adults that will finally have the admirer that they have been searching for to be true to thyself and ignore the critics.

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